We’re deep into the season of merry-making, reconnecting, and well-wishes. We’re also at the time of the Winter Solstice (December 21st for those in the Northern Hemisphere). Solstice is a wonderful time for reflection. A chance to reminisce through all the new memories you made. A moment to celebrate and experience pride for all your accomplishments, big and small. And an opportunity to look deep within yourself, and decide which things, habits, etc. you want to maintain, and which ones you’re ready to move on from. What a beautiful opportunity!
To that end, here’s a quick recap of where I’ve been during 2024 and what will be unfolding in 2025.
If I had to give 2024 a theme, it would be love, followed by empowerment & change.

As you probably know, I took my hiatus from Aspire Zen this year to give myself some long-overdue love in the form of bunion surgery.
Foot surgery is no joke. I was non-weightbearing for 12 weeks (yes, 3 whole months!). During this time I got to practice many forms of love. Firstly, love and gratitude for my husband who was a patient and dutiful sole caregiver. Secondly, love to friends, family, and medical staff who took care of us (including the nurses and ER staff who took great care of my husband after he passed out from seeing wires sticking out of my toes. That’s a story for a different day.).

Then there was the unexpected love. The love for my strong arms that suddenly had to lift me up and down off everything! The love for my strong right foot and leg that bore the brunt of so much more effort to move me around. Love for my fast and fabulous knee scooter. Love and amazement toward my body and its ability to heal over and over again. Love for learning patience, grace, and acceptance of where my body is at on a given day and behaving accordingly. Love for community accessibility. I now have a new respect for those who need a little more time and or assistance to get around during the day.
10 months, 30+ physical therapy sessions, 3 reconstructed toes and a metatarsal later, and I’m almost back to 100% Still working on some strength and flexibility, but I’m able to walk, practice, and teach yoga, and getting stronger every day.

The surgery required me to take an official leave of absence from my yoga teaching job. No longer bound to Los Angeles, we moved to San Diego for the spring and summer. I planned to heal, work on some projects, and spend some time with my stepdad, Bob, who had been getting progressively sicker for the past few years.
I will always appreciate life’s serendipitous timing. If not for the surgery, I would have continued on, busily and happily teaching yoga. Instead, I was given the gift of ample precious time with my stepdad (who was basically my 2nd dad). Sometimes, I’d take him to doctor's appointments and help him with meal prep, but often, we just hung out, shared dinner, and watched movies.
Bob passed on September 7th, 2024. This year I was once again reminded of how precious and beautiful our time with our loved ones is. I was also reminded of how lucky I am to have had Bob in my life.
Bob taught me everything I know about my other business (property management). This year, he lovingly passed the torch on, empowering me to grow into true ownership and thriving in that business.
Growth, empowerment (and love) also echoed throughout my life this year as I embarked on some great purging projects. I have finally found a space where I can let go of physical things I’ve been holding onto for ages, from my mom’s clothes, weird trinkets I took to raves in my college years, to old fabric swatches from unfinished sewing projects I started with my grandmother. I held on to things because I was afraid of forgetting, and because I felt I was a steward of sorts, responsible for the care and management of things I had inherited from deceased loved ones. The truth is, those things were not being used. They were sitting there, taking up space, stagnant and unfulfilled. They were also blocking me from moving forward.

I took the time and did the work to make sure things I didn't use went to good homes. I focused on the other ways to hold the memories of those I love besides things. I also concentrated on the fact that my mom, my grandmother, my stepdad, and even my younger self, just love me and want me to be happy, not weighed down by things that don’t bring me personal joy.
A big part of this process was practicing letting go and making space. Over and over and over. Even when it was hard and involved tears. With each round of giving away, I felt lighter. I felt the sensation of space (and could see it physically too!). I now have the gift of more capacity. To bring in new things that bring me joy and can help me more effectively realize my true potential and help others.
I also cleared out and made space in my yoga teaching and wellness business. I cut down my hours at the studio and will continue to keep that time limited to ensure there is space for my other career aspirations, my personal practice, and friends and family.
When I started Aspire Zen in 2020, I knew I wanted to teach yoga and cooking and help out folks in the corporate world who were looking for ways to squeeze in some wellness time. Over the last few years, I've offered these elements in a variety of ways, including coaching, workshops, and classes. I've learned a ton, gained invaluable experience, added some new certifications, and discovered where and how I feel I can best serve the community.

I also finally feel ready to tackle the element that's been continuing to hold me back thus far: networking and putting myself out there for real, primarily, in person.
As we look forward to 2025, here's where and how I intend to focus (And here is where you come in.):
I’ve had many requests to bring back the cook-a-longs, so yes, indeed they will be back into the mix next year. The first will probably be in February. I will email you about it when I plan the first one.
I’m currently teaching in-studio on Wednesdays and Thursdays at CPY Marina Del Rey in Los Angeles. I will probably add one more class at a different LA studio. I will also add another class or two online. If you are interested in taking online classes with me, please let me know the best days and times here. Take 3 question survey

More of these to come! I will offer some online, some in LA and San Diego. I also intend to expand further into the corporate world. If you are a 9-5er (or know one) and would like to incorporate a little more balance and wellness into your workplace, I’d love to talk to you. I offer workshops on everything from stress management, journaling, work-life balance, and nutrition, and of course, we can do some yoga (chair yoga and or mat yoga). Email me amy@myaspirezen.com
Happy Solstice to you! I hope 2024 has been rich and inspiring for you as well. If you're feeling it, maybe take a moment to do your own reflection. The highs, the lows, and everything in between that weaves this beautiful quilt we call life. I look forward to seeing you and sharing adventures with you in 2025!!
